Quantum Biofeedback

The QUEX ED®, from QX World Kft, Hungary, is a computer-operated, non-invasive energetic technology that combines body analysis and stress reduction. The device detects stress in your system and may reveal the reason of the stress by Quantum Biofeedback. Your body has an amazing self healing capacity and the QUEX ED reminds the body how to heal. The device has a vast amount of programs for physical, mental and spiritual issues.


The stress reduction can reduce various types of health problems such as digestive disorders, pain, mental issues, autoimmune disorders, fatigue etc.

What is a session like?

You contact me via e-mail to book a session to: info@stoltzyoga.se. Before the session I will send you a form to fill out and return to me.


The Biofeedback training may be performed when you are hooked up with straps around wrists, ankles and head at my clinic in Örebro. However, Örebro might be far from where you live. It is also working very well with online Biofeedback, i.e. similar to distance healing. You may be comfortable in your own house resting while the biofeedback training is performed. The device will find your energy through the information you fill out in the form (birth data, adress etc).


I will contact you before and after the session by phone, skype or zoom. I will also send you an e-mail with the information about your health from the session.


NOTE! The QUEX ED is designed to train your system to self heal and has no adverse effects on body and mind. Sometimes you may feel a temporary deterioation right after the Biofeedback training. Stoltz Yoga & Energi is not responsible for any injury or problems that the client associates with the Biofeedback training, i.e. you are not insured by Stoltz Yoga & energi.


Videos about Biofeedback:

What is Quantum Biofeedback? (click here)

Quantum Biofeedback and Chronic Fatigue (click here).

Biofeedback sessions:

1. Regular Biofeedback session

As a first session, a Regular Biofeedback is recommended. Your system is scanned with the QUEX ED and imbalances are identified. In the first session, we will go over; nutrition status, identify what organs are the most stressed, what emotions that influence you the most, if there are infections in your body, identify any mental traumas etc. At the same time, those issues will be trained by the QUEX ED. All information will be summarised and sent to you in an e-mail a few days after the session. A summary will be sent to you after every session but the first session will have the most information together with recommendations included.

If you have specific symptoms and issues the QUEX ED may show information of the reasons.  Then we focus on the areas that are the most stressed.

I use Vedic Astrology to see health issues in your horoscope to make the Biofeedback session more efficient. You will get a short summary of the horoscope as well. To get a correct horoscope you will have to include the time of birth in the form that I send before the first session. I will not be able to look at your horoscope without the correct time of birth. Of course, the Biofeedback will work without the birthtime if you don’t know it.


Rate: Remote Regular Biofeedback: € 110, USD 115. Time: 90 min.


2. Automatic Biofeedback session

After at least one of the regular Biofeedback session it is possible to choose some suitable focus areas in the automatic program. However, this program will not provide any information and is not as complex as the Ordinary Biofeedback session. Still, it will efficiently train your system to heal. Examples of focus areas to choose from are:

General health: General stress reduction, anti-ageing, beauty etc.

Physical body: Inflammation, injury repair, infection, fibromyalgia, pain etc.

Mental body: Brain symmetry, improved mental function, superlearning, improve focus, reduce negative effect of screens, etc.

Emotional body: Trauma, depression, addiction, PTSD, attention deficiency, acceptance of inner child etc.

Spiritual body: Chakra system, Electro Transcendental Meditation, stimulate lucid dreams, clear energy field, increase intuition etc.

Also, it is possible to let your system choose what areas of focus that it (i.e. your superconciousness) would like to train.


Rate: Remote Automatic Biofeedback: € 85, USD 88. Time 90 min.


Special offer #1: 5 sessions to the price of 4.5

Every 5:th Biofeedback session of the same kind is half of the price. They have to be booked within 1 year.

Rate 5 Remote regular Biofeedback sessions: € 495 (regular price € 550), USD 517 (regular price USD 575)


Special offer #2: Three regular sessions and two Automatic Biofeedback sessions

They have to be booked within 1 year. Rate Remote Biofeedback: € 450 (regular price € 500), USD 468 (regular price USD 521).


Biofeedback – animal session

Biofeedback on animals work very well since animals generally are very open minded. I will contact the owner before and after the session.

Rate Remote Biofeedback: € 80, USD 83. Time 70 min.

Special offer, animals: 3 sessions € 200 (regular price € 240), USD 208 (regular price USD 249).



Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Doctor. Therefore I can not claim that I, nor the device that I use, will treat, diagnose, or cure any medical conditions. The QUEX ED device will train your body to improve its self healing capacity.

NOTE! The QUEX ED is designed to train your system to self heal and has no adverse effects on body and mind. Sometimes you may feel a temporary deterioation right after the Biofeedback training. Stoltz Yoga & Energi is not responsible for any injury or problems that the client associates with the Biofeedback training, i.e. you are not insured by Stoltz Yoga & Energi.